We here at Sell Property Fast navigate all metro Atlanta and even as far as Columbus, GA to visit and assess properties for cash offers or listings. And what we’ve seen in the last 2 months has been interesting, we are seeing folks rush to sell properties and in some cases it hasn’t always been 80 calls within 2 hours like last year. Such as was an example in Jonesboro where a tear-down property literally went into multiple-bid scenario within 1 day.
Or how another Jonesboro property we sold a few weeks before got $23k over asking from a cash buyer within 5 days.
What’s happening in new construction and the investment world is a reeling back of offering top dollar prices on transactions, which may eventually effect day-to-day sales. While no one has a crystal ball to know what will happen tomorrow-we can still confidently say today is worth trying to sell as these talks of a real estate cycle may come to fruition.
Let us know how we can help to support your decision to sell or not to sell, drop us a line!